Food Necessary to Eat for Receiving Vitamins and Minerals
To be in good shape, your body requires a certain amount of nutrients, starting from antioxidants that fight disease to heavy metals that strengthen bones. Despite the fact that you can get many of the nutrients by eating food supplements, almost all of them are found in the foods you eat or should take daily. Want to get vitamins and minerals in a natural way? Here are the best foods that contain the most significant nutrients and minerals for our organism.
Vitamin A
What its importance: vitamin A plays a major role in maintaining immunity, in the reproductive process, and it is also very important for vision. Vitamins containing beta-carotene, assist the retina, eye shell, cornea to perform its function correctly. A high rate of vitamin A is present in sweet potatoes; only one medium baked sweet potato includes more than 28,000 international units (IU) of vitamin A or 561% of the prescribed daily rate. The most common food containing vitamin A are beef liver, spinach, fish, milk, eggs and carrots.
Vitamin B6
What its importance: vitamin B6 is a general term for 6 various constituents that have a similar effect on the body. These constituents are significant for the absorption of food, they also increase hemoglobin (part of your red blood cells), normalize levels of blood sugar and produce antibodies that combat different dysfunctions. Fish, beef liver and poultry are good sources of vitamin B6. One cup of canned chickpeas includes 1.1 mg of vitamin B6 or 55% of the daily requirement.
Vitamin B12
What its importance: vitamin B12 is of great importance for a healthy nervous system, for the formation of DNA and red blood cells. It prevents anemia, which causes fatigue and weakness. Products of animal origin are the best source of B12. Cooked shellfish have the highest level, 84 µg – 1.402% of the daily norm – only 3 ounces. (One mg is equal to 1000 mcg.) Vitamin B12 is also available in beef liver, trout, salmon, and tuna and is added to many breakfast kinds of cereal.
Vitamin C
What its importance: vitamin C is a significant antioxidant and is also a significant component in several main body functions, including protein metabolism and the synthesis of neurotransmitters (protein metabolism). Most people include citrus fruits when they think of vitamin C but sweet red peppers factually include more vitamin C than any other product: 95 mg per item. Other sources of large amounts of vitamin C are kiwi, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and melons.
What its importance: calcium is one of the most significant for the body. More than 99% of it is necessary for strengthening the teeth and bones, and the rest is for blood vessels and muscles, cellular interaction and secretion of hormones. Dairy products contain the highest amount of natural calcium; plain low-fat yogurt takes the leading place – 415 mg (42% of the daily requirement) per serving. Dark greens (namely cabbage and Chinese cabbage) is another essential calcium source, which can also be found in fortified fruit juices and cereals.
Vitamin D
What its importance: vitamin D, which our body produces when our skin is influenced by sunlight, improves calcium absorption and bone growth. It is also significant for the growth of the cells, immunity and the decrease in the inflammation. Fatty fish, including swordfish, salmon and mackerel, is one of the few natural food sources of vitamin D. (Cod liver oil is the leader because it contains 1.360 IU in a tablespoon, and swordfish ranked second – 566 IU or 142% of the daily requirement.) Most people get vitamin D by eating foods namely milk, breakfast cereals, yogurt, and orange juice.
Vitamin E
What its importance: vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that protects cells from harmful molecules known as free radicals. It is useful for the immune system, and for the healthy functioning of blood vessels, as well as for blood clotting. While wheat germ oil contains more vitamin E than any other food (20.3 mg per serving, or 100% of the daily requirement), most people find it easier to get vitamin E from sunflower seeds (7.4 mg in ounces, 37% of the daily norm) or almond (6.8 mg in ounces, 34% of the daily norm).
Folate (folic acid)
What its importance: pregnant folate – vitamin B – helps prevent birth defects. It helps the rest in the development of renewed tissues and proteins. Folate is found in many foods, including leafy green vegetables, fruits, nuts and dairy products. Beef liver has the highest concentration of this vitamin, also use spinach which also contains a lot of this vitamin: 131 mcg in half a cup (boiled), or 33% of the daily requirement. Folic acid, an artificial form of folate, is also added to many types of bread and cereals.
What its importance: proteins in our body use this substance to transport oxygen and cell growth. Most of the Ferrum in the body is contained in hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells, which provides oxygen transfer to tissues throughout the body. There exist 2 types of Ferrum in food: heme iron (found in animal foods including red meat, fish and poultry) and non-heme iron (found in plant foods including lentils and beans). Chicken liver is comprised of the highest amount of heme iron, 11 mg per serving or 61% of the daily requirement.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is an important element in coagulation and hematopexis of blood. Your body cannot stop the bleeding without it when you get hurt. Green leafy vegetables are the best source of this vitamin, also known as phylloquinone. Cow cabbage contains most of this vitamin (1.1 mg per cup), then spinach (about 1 mg per cup), then plants including turnips, mustard and beet greens.
Lycopene (antioxidant)
This chemical pigment, found in red fruits and vegetables, has antioxidant features. Some studies suggest that lycopene cautions against a number of disorders, including heart disease and certain types of cancer. Tomatoes are the most famous source of lycopene. It is also found in products made from tomatoes, including sauces, pastes and mashed potatoes, in a cup contains up to 75 mg of lycopene. Raw, uncooked tomatoes are not so rich in lycopene, even the watermelon contains more lycopene – about 12 mg per piece than a tomato, where its only 3 mg.
What its importance: lysine, also known as L-lysine, is an amino acid that helps the body absorb calcium and form collagen for bones and connective tissues. It also plays an important role in the production of carnitine, a nutrient that helps regulate cholesterol levels. Protein-rich animal products, especially red meat, are a good source of lysine, as well as nuts, legumes, and soybeans.
What its importance: the body uses magnesium in more than 300 biochemical reactions, which include maintaining muscle and nerve functions, normalizing the rhythmic work of the heart and maintaining bone strength. Wheat bran has the highest amount of magnesium per serving (89 mg per quarter cup or 22% of the daily dose), but you must eat unrefined grains to get the benefit because when the germ and bran are removed from the wheat, magnesium is excreted. Other excellent sources of magnesium are almonds, cashews and green vegetables, including spinach.
What its importance: niacin, like its counterparts B vitamins, is important for the conversion of food into energy. It also helps the normal functioning of the digestive and nervous systems, as well as improves the skin condition. Dry yeast is one of the main sources of niacin, but a more tasty option is peanuts or peanut butter; One cup of raw peanuts contains 17.6 mg, more than 100% of the daily requirement. Beef and chicken livers are especially rich in niacin.
What its importance: zinc is necessary for the immune system (you can see it as part of cold remedies), and it also plays an important role in the sense of touch and smell. The highest amount of zinc is found in oysters in comparison with any other products (74 mg per serving or almost 500% of the daily norm), but people often get zinc from red meat and poultry. For example, three ounces of roast beef contains 7 mg of zinc. Also, crab is a good source of zinc.