10 Negative Reactions Caused by Coffee
Coffee can negatively affect your ability to have children
Coffee changes the hormones because it stimulates the production of an excess amount of the stress hormone cortisol in the adrenal glands. In the female body, an excess of this hormone can lower the level of progesterone responsible for the possibility of pregnancy and its successful course. If a pregnant woman drinks more than 4 cups of coffee per day, the risk of miscarriage is about 33%.
Caffeine prevents vitamins and minerals from being absorbed
If you drink more than 3 cups of coffee daily or take caffeine-containing tablets, then this amount of caffeine is enough to completely neutralize the vitamins of group B and PP. It also prevents the absorption of Ferrum, potassium, zinc and calcium. In general, only 150 ml of coffee blocks calcium absorption for 3 hours. It not only blocks but also intensively washes calcium from bones and teeth out.
Caffeine causes obesity
By changing the work of the adrenal glands, caffeine also affects the thyroid gland, which responds, in turn, for proper metabolism. The harm of coffee is expressed, among other things, in that it knocks down the functions of the thyroid and slows down the metabolism, which is why the body is gaining excess weight. If you do not lose weight, then it’s time to think about giving up coffee.
Coffee causes sleep disturbance
Usually, when you need to do important work, endure a long night road or just hold out for a while, we all drink coffee. However, if you have problems with falling asleep, it is better to refuse coffee altogether. With regular use of coffee, your nervous system is in an overexcited state and you will not be able to get enough sleep. And this is a direct path to the development of neurosis, depression and other negative phenomena.
Reduced immunity
If you have poor health and regularly suffer from colds or similar diseases that indicate low immunity, then this is also a reason to deny coffee. As already noted, the harm to coffee lies in suppressing the thyroid gland functioning. It is responsible for the immune system. Therefore, if you have always been ill, or vice versa, you have recently become ill more often than usual – refuse coffee or reduce its consumption to a minimum.
Coffee causes depression
Coffee blocks the neurotransmitters that are necessary for the production of serotonin – the “hormone of happiness.” Although coffee can imitate the effect of “happiness” due to nervous excitement, however, this phenomenon is short-lasting. When you constantly drink coffee, lack of serotonin is guaranteed to result in depression.
Coffee reduces the body’s energy
Coffee acts like an addictive drug. Moreover: in order to maintain a “positive” effect, one has to drink it more and more. At some point, the body simply stops responding to it, which is a very bad sign. This means that your thyroid gland function is completely “damaged” by a constant high blood caffeine content. As a result – constant fatigue, apathy and weakness, and there is nothing to return the strength.
Coffee damage to the liver
Coffee is heavy for digestion. The liver needs to produce an increased amount of special enzymes for its digestion. If your liver is suppressed by other harmful substances and products: fatty and fried foods, harmful nutritional supplements, etc., then by adding to it an additional load – coffee, you increase the risk to have a sick liver up to cirrhosis.
Coffee contains pesticides
Today, almost all popular crops on the market are treated with a huge amount of pesticides. And coffee is not excepted. Virtually all the types of coffee on our shelves regularly show up a whole “bunch” of the most dangerous chemical compounds. The exception is the so-called “organic coffee”, grown without the use of chemicals. But, as we understand, it is almost impossible to find it in conventional stores and its price is much higher than that of “chemical” coffee.
Lack of coffee improves sex life
The whole problem is caused by the negative influence of caffeine on the thyroid gland, which we have already mentioned several times. The thyroid gland affects the production of testosterone, which in both men and women is responsible for sexual desire. Less testosterone – worse sex life. As soon as your thyroid gland is deprived of caffeine, you will certainly notice an increased desire and your intimate life will become better.