Tag: Coffee

10 Negative Reactions Caused by Coffee

Coffee can negatively affect your ability to have children Coffee changes the hormones because it stimulates the production of an excess amount of the stress hormone cortisol in the adrenal glands. In the female body, an excess of this hormone can lower the level of progesterone responsible for the possibility of pregnancy and its successful course. If a pregnant woman drinks more than 4 cups of coffee per day, the risk of miscarriage is about 33%. Caffeine prevents vitamins and minerals from being absorbed If you drink more than 3 cups of coffee daily or take caffeine-containing tablets, then this amount of caffeine is enough to completely neutralize the vitamins of group B and PP. It also prevents the absorption of Ferrum, potassium, zinc and calcium. In general, only 150 ml of coffee blocks calcium absorption for 3 hours. It not only blocks but also intensively washes calcium from bones…