15 Negative Facts about Fast Food
The UNO considers fast food to be no less a threat than AIDS. The consequences of regularly eating such food are catastrophic for the body. You may say it is not true. I am constantly eating fast food and nothing happens. And after reading these 15 facts, you will forever deny yourself the pleasure of eating a hamburger.
- Scientists found out that McDonald’s hamburgers can be stored for up to 14 years, keeping their appearance unchanged. In fact, this bun with a chop is more like a plastic than food. And there is minimal content of natural ingredients. If pathogenic bacteria refuse to eat such hamburgers, why do you need them?
- Flatter yourself when ordering a salad in McDonald’s? You have been deceived! Most of these salads are high in calories. It happens thanks to the greasy topping. In addition, in order for the greens not to fade, they use the food additive E1520, which also does not add health and strength to the body.
- It would seem that the eggs here will definitely be natural. But it is false! Fast food restaurants use a “premium egg mixture,” which is almost entirely composed of glycerin and various types of silicones.
- Cheese is also not cheese. According to research, it is an explosive mixture of chemicals, food additives and fat.
- Most of the fast food menu items contain a large amount of cellulose – reclaimed wood. This is a very cheap way to thicken and harden the product, saving on flour and butter.
- Bread in fast foods contains in its composition a chemical substance called azodicarbonamide. It makes the mixture more elastic. This same substance is used in the manufacture of mats for yoga.
- Hamburger, french fries and carbonated drinks contain large amounts of dangerous fats and glucose. Eating such food daily has a very negative effect on the blood vessels in our body, which in turn affects the activity of our brain. So, if you do not want to turn into a zombie, give up fast food.
- Food in fast food restaurants does not require thorough chewing. But we know that the less we chew, the less we make our stomach full.
- The trick with the presence of different portions is made with a definite purpose. In order for visitors to take more food, very large portions were made. By the way, most people prefer the medium portion, which is initially quite large.
- Surprisingly, if you try different fast food dishes with your eyes closed, they all seem to you for one taste more or less. It is a trick of the creators of these products. We all know that some people prefer sour, others – salty, and others – spicy. Therefore, in order to please everyone, food in fast foods has a neutral taste.
- Studies show that milkshakes in the fast food industry contain more chemicals than standard garden fertilizer.
- Do you think golden, crispy nuggets are made from the fresh chicken breast? But it was not true. Fat, bones, and tissues are the main ingredients.
- The Food and Drug Administration employs not very clever people. They legalized the permissible content of 30 or more eggs of flies and 1 or more of the larvae per 100 grams of sauce sold daily in fast food chains.
- Fast food restaurants are a very profitable business. Thanks to marketers, tons of fast food are sold every day in the world. For example, the red and yellow colors, which are most often used for the interior design of fast foods, are also not chosen by chance. Psychologists say that it is these colors on a subconscious level that provoke a feeling of hunger in a person.
- At least McDonald’s coffee is not harmful? The answer is ambiguous. In many fast food chains, coffee is sold in plastic cups, which has a very negative impact on people’s health. As it is known, plastic, when interacting with hot liquids, emits toxic substances.